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Friday, 26 August 2011

Top ten oldest Mosques (Masjid) in Islamic history (part 1)

There are millions of mosques around the world where Muslims pray regularly, but right now in this blog I will try to give you guys’ information about the oldest mosques in Islamic history.

1. Quba Mosque:-

Quba mosque also known as Masjid-al-Quba is the very first mosque in Islamic history which was built in1st year of Hijrah (662 A.D) and is located Medina. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) placed the first stone of this mosque. In his stay in medina he stayed more then 20 nights in this mosque and offered Qasr (type of short pray in Islam).

2. Masjid-al-Nabawi:-

Masid-al-Nabawi is the second oldest mosque in Islamic history. Mohammad (S.A.W) used to live near this mosque before he transferred to eternal world. It was built in Medina city on 1st year of Hijrah (622 A.D). In the beginning it was also used as a community center, a court and preaching place for Muslims. After seven years in the 7th year of Hijrah (629 A.D) it was rebuilt to accommodate the larger crowd of Muslims.

3. Masjid al-Qiblatain:-

Masjid al-Qiblatain also known as the Mosque of Two Qiblas was first built on 2nd year of hijrah (623 A.D) in medina. The name of this mosque reminds us an important historic incident in Islamic history when prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) changed the direction of prayer (qibla) from Jerusalem to Mecca during his pray on the command of almighty ALLAH.

4. Jawatha Mosque:-

Jawatha mosque is one of the earliest Mosques built in east Arabia which is located in Al-Kilabia a small village of east Arabia. It was built in the 7thyear of Hijrah (629 A.D) by the tribe of Arab known as Bani Abdul Qais. According to some history books in Arab the Hajr Al Aswad (the black stone) was kept here for 22 years when it got stolen by Qarmatians from Mecca.

5. Masjid al-Haram:-

Masjid Al-Haram is the most sanctified place for all the Muslims in the world. It is one of the largest mosques in the world which is built around the KAABA in the city of Mecca. It was built by Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W.W) and his dearly loved companions on the conquering return to Mecca on 638 A.D after sixteen years of hijrah. Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) and Ali Ibn-e-Abi Taalib (R.A) demolished all the idols which were placed there by idol worshippers. A lot more can be written about Masjid al Haram but it would be beyond the scope of this blog.